Kundli or Janam Kundali or Janampatri also known as horoscope or birth chart, denotes the position of the planets or the celestial bodies affecting an individual’s horoscope irrespective of age, gender and place, or in the other word Kundli contains the precise information about the exact location of planets Like Earth, Moon, Sun and the Planets , as per Vedic astrological science based on which all the predictions on one’s life are made.Free Kundli charts are traditionally being used in India to see into the future of a person, also highlighting events that are going to impact their life in a good or bad way. Knowing about such a happening in advance helps in making a better decision by pre planning.The relevance of the Kundali and Horoscope in modern living is even more as everyone wants to make the most of their life and compete with others to have a successful life. Using the principles of Vedic Astrology, Kundli or Janampatri is used to understand the influence of celestial bodies on our life. Accurate Date of birth,Time and Place of birth are considered to generate detailed Kundli. Once the Kundli is prepared an individual’s horoscope can be predicted accurately. However, these need to be prepared by an expert astrologer having an in- depth knowledge about Vedic astrology.
Role of Houses, Zodiac, and Planet in Kundli
Kundli or Janampatri is the astrological chart or birth chart that indicates the positions of the planets at the time of birth and through the lifetime of the native. To get the accurate Kundli calculation, it is absolutely vital that you tell us your precise time of birth, date of birth, and birthplace.
Planets travel through space in their fixed paths called the zodiac. This Zodiac is further
subdivided into 12 zones which we know as the zodiac signs or the Rashis in Hindi. The Kundli alsois also a sum total of 12 houses that represent the travel of the Sun in space that usually take more than 365 days. These 12 houses make up the 12 zodiac signs.
In any person’s Janampatrika, the 12 houses have a fixed place and that never changes from birth to death. However, the 12 signs and planets move through these 12 houses, which cause dynamic changes in one’s life. Each House in a Kundli represents a particular aspect or area of life, such as love, money, career etc. Also, the way the planets are placed in these Houses at different times leads to the different important milestones in the native’s life.
Based on such planetary positions in the Kundli of a person, Astrologers can predict or foresee future life events before they happen in the person’s life. Building or construction of the Kundli or the Natal Chart requires thorough knowledge and deep insights, which is not an easy task. Only good astrologers can accomplish the task with complete confidence and authority.
Astrologers make and refer to the Janam Kundli to try and interpret the event in life as well as the journey of the person with all the troubles as well as positive events. Based on this birth stamp, the astrologer can also describe the future possibilities for the person. Also, it is also a ready reference to understand everything about the person be it past, present, future, and personality traits.
Kundali matching of the bride and groom before marriage can ensure a good married life by matching the 36 Gunas that decide the compatibility.
Benefits of Kundli or Janampatri?
- Having your Kundali or Janampatri or Janampatrika prepared by an expert is necessary. Vedic Astrology is a powerful ancient methodology that uses various planetary influences to study and predict each and every aspect of a human life.
- In Vedic Astrology and as is the tradition in India for centuries Kundli matching can decide and bring you the best possible life partner by analysis of the Kundalis of oy
and girl, then studying them together for matching the gunas. - The Kundali is also influential in understanding nature, personality, bad habits, good habits and much more.
- The negative influence of any malefic planets on your birth-chart can be interpreted from your Kundli.
- What a child can become once an adult can also be understood during childhood itself. Your Kundli can also help steer you into the right career path so that you can reap the rewards of your potential in a particular field. Same also for students as it foretells the orientation of a child towards a certain subject of learning.
- Kundli when studied in detail will unravel the possibilities of good and
bad events in an individual’s life. Using this information can keep you out of danger by planning ahead for the bad events. Timely precautions and remedies can help avoid or safeguard against unfortunate incidents if they are mentioned in your Kundli. - The Kundali contains details of our life such as study, marriage, health,
partner, love, children, career, and more.